Healing Justice Lineages
Healing Justice Lineages is an anthology, tour, and digital archive which documents the cultural memory of community-led health, healing, care and safety practices as an organizing and bridge building tool.
As the lead communications strategist for the Listening + Cultural Memory Tour & Digital Archive, I developed the strategy, messaging and visual language. Protocols ensured disability justice & language justice across a diversity of communication platforms and technology.
Developed digital communications strategy to amplify HJ Lineages across tour and archive
Crafted calendar and messaging across website, social media, and newsletters
Developed cooperative protocols for identifying language justice needs according to region on tour
Conducted oral history interviews with healing justice practitioners across the national Listening + Cultural Memory Tour
Developed and managed internal archival log
Identified and coordinated accessibility protocols, translations and captions in order ensure language justice and disability justice
Developed visual language for national tour
Created visual, text-based graphics for social media, website, tour posters as well as live visuals for venues such as Lincoln Center
Edited video & audio of oral history interviews with Barbara Smith, Eddie Conway as well as editors Erica Woodland and Cara Page
Provided multilingual captioning on time-based media