Healing Justice Lineages

Healing Justice Lineages is an anthology, tour, and digital archive which documents the cultural memory of community-led health, healing, care and safety practices as an organizing and bridge building tool.

As the lead communications strategist for the Listening + Cultural Memory Tour & Digital Archive, I developed the strategy, messaging and visual language. Protocols ensured disability justice & language justice across a diversity of communication platforms and technology.

    • Developed digital communications strategy to amplify HJ Lineages across tour and archive

    • Crafted calendar and messaging across website, social media, and newsletters

    • Developed cooperative protocols for identifying language justice needs according to region on tour

    • Conducted oral history interviews with healing justice practitioners across the national Listening + Cultural Memory Tour

    • Developed and managed internal archival log

    • Identified and coordinated accessibility protocols, translations and captions in order ensure language justice and disability justice

    • Developed visual language for national tour

    • Created visual, text-based graphics for social media, website, tour posters as well as live visuals for venues such as Lincoln Center

    • Edited video & audio of oral history interviews with Barbara Smith, Eddie Conway as well as editors Erica Woodland and Cara Page

    • Provided multilingual captioning on time-based media



earthseed: kinship


corazón de melón